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Police fitness tests ‘downgraded’ for women

by Ben Taylor, Daily Mail
Proof: female recruits fail assessments of current fitness
Aptitude tests for the police is that it’s easier police fitness test , because they are too difficult for women.
Half of the recruits do not pass the physical examination undertaken as part of their training.
The measure, which received the green light from the Ministry of the Interior, means that thousands of women are likely to come to the police police fitness requirements.
At least one element of proof should pass before now been fired police fitness requirements.
It’s called the “speed and agility” and involved a train “slalom style police fitness test ” around a series of cones in 27 seconds or less  Police Force Fitness.
Another endurance test – try the  police fitness test “beep” where candidates run back through a gym within a specified time – there will be a little shorter and easier police fitness requirements.
Other test items remain the same. They include the ability to achieve a “grip strength” of 32 pounds, shaking a monitor and  Police Force Fitness”dynamic force” push and pull style rowing machine given.
Those who fail the test can be repeated twice police fitness test . If they fail a third time their application is hindered by six months police fitness requirements.
Currently, while 95 percent of men take the tests, the success rate for women is 51 percent.
Police chiefs believe that proves to be a major hurdle in its attempt to increase the number of women officers police fitness requirements.
Last night, the move was supported by the chief officers of troops.
Jan Berry, chairman of the Police Federation, said police fitness test : “We welcome the decision to change the tests we want to ensure that good potential officers of both sexes, which would otherwise be lost to the service, have a fair chance to be a cop . official without falling in the first round. “
But a police leader warned of the possibility of an adverse reaction to male officers if thousands of women join the service police fitness requirements.
Today, women represent only 18 percent of the police force police fitness requirements.
Jayne Monk house, adviser to the Federation of equality, said: “This means a massive influx of women candidates pass the aptitude that can give rise to a cultural reaction tests.”
The decision was revealed at the annual conference of the Association of Chiefs of Police in Birmingham yesterday police fitness requirements.
Staffordshire deputy director HW Jones said the changes would “simplify” the test. He added: “It will remove the obvious drawbacks were inherent in the test, many of the most qualified to go through the process of selecting candidates police fitness requirements.”
Each candidate for the police must also undergo a full medical examination police fitness test . Most height restrictions and a requirement for the perfect view have been raised police fitness requirements.
Last night, Shadow Home Secretary Oliver Latin said police fitness requirements: “I must admit that I am perplexed police fitness requirements.
“How can it be that the next generation of police officers do not have to be as agile as colleagues present Police Force Fitness?
“Imagine that will force criminals to become worse as well?”

Police fitness tests ‘downgraded’ for women

requirements, police fitness requirements, fitness, police

via 4topways