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swiss fitness ball: Fit Fast Swiss ball Workout

The Swiss ball is a great tool to tone swiss fitness ball, strengthen and improve posture. If you do not already use one Stability Swiss Ball, consider incorporating a Swiss ball in your workout routine with this fat blasting 25 minutes exercise can be done anywhere swiss fitness ball!

Make four rounds
There is no rest between exercises. Minimize rest between sets swiss fitness ball.

Jump Rope 1 minute
Swiss ball crunches 30 seconds
Swiss Ball Plank 30 seconds
Jump Rope 1 minute
30 seconds Weighted Swiss Ball Squats
30 seconds Swiss ball hyperextension
Jump Rope 1 minute
Reverse Flyers 30 seconds Swiss ball
Jackknifes Swiss ball 30 seconds

Notes Exercise:
Jumping rope – If you do not have a jump rope, do the movement of holding 2-3 pound weights.

Swiss Ball Crunches – Lie on your back on the ball. Place your hands behind your head and make a contraction without straining your neck Yoga Ball. Look up, not his feet swiss fitness ball.

Swiss Ball Plank – Get a plank position with the ball under your shins swiss fitness ball. Spread your arms and hold for 30 seconds swiss fitness ball Stability Swiss Ball.

Squats Weighted Swiss ball – Put the ball against the wall and support your lower back against it. Shift your weight on your heels and squat until your legs form a 90 degree angle. Then return to the starting position swiss fitness ball Yoga Ball.

Hyperextensions Swiss ball – Lie with your stomach on the ball Stability Swiss Ball. To hyperextension with hands behind head, lower torso off the floor, then back again swiss fitness ball.

Swiss ball reverse Flyers – Lie with your stomach on the ball, legs straight and toes on the floor. Holding dumbbells in each hand, let your arms hang down from the shoulders. Then do a reverse flyer movement, raising his arms upwards and laterally Stability Swiss Ball. Make sure to squeeze your shoulder blades at the top of the movement and stop at the shoulder swiss fitness ball. Return to the starting position Yoga Ball.

Jackknifes Swiss ball – Place your ankles on top of the ball with your legs extended, chest to the ground and arms outstretched toward the ground. Roll the ball in by bending your knees and keeping the weight on the upper body Stability Swiss Ball. After a short break, stretch your legs back and return to the starting position swiss fitness ball.

swiss fitness ball: Fit Fast Swiss ball Workout

swiss, swiss fitness ball, ball, fitness

via 4topways